Dear readers,As a young reader, I was fascinated by authors writing about their vision of the future. Brave New World was a transformative experience: so powerful, shocking, and mesmerizing that I sketched my imagined new world in my notebook. I also starkly remember the image of everyone attached to their personal devices in 2010’s A Visit from the Goon Squad (previously featured in issue 33). Would that really be us? Today, I'd like to share three books with an imagined future with you.
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Ursina's Shelf - The future is coming
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Dear readers,As a young reader, I was fascinated by authors writing about their vision of the future. Brave New World was a transformative experience: so powerful, shocking, and mesmerizing that I sketched my imagined new world in my notebook. I also starkly remember the image of everyone attached to their personal devices in 2010’s A Visit from the Goon Squad (previously featured in issue 33). Would that really be us? Today, I'd like to share three books with an imagined future with you.